The Atlantic Philanthropies
New York, N.Y.
(212) 916-7300
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $5 million for general operating support.
• East Bay Community Foundation, Oakland, Calif., $15 million to provide high-quality health, learning and family connection services to children and youth through the Integrated Services in Schools Initiative.
• National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, New York, $1 million for core support.
• National Indian Youth Leadership Project, Gallup, N.M., $1.5 million for Out-of-School Time Programming for Disadvantaged Children and Youth.
• SingleStop USA, New York, $5.5 million to increase access for low-income families to government benefits and critical support services.
• Voices for America’s Children, Washington, $3 million for general operating support.
Delta Dental Foundation
Okemos, Mich.
(517) 347-5333
• Center for Family Health, Oral Health DVD for Medical Professionals, Jackson, Mich., $5,000 to help to produce an educational DVD that will demonstrate the basic steps for screening infants and young children for dental disease.
• Michigan Oral Health Coalition, Cavity Free Kids program, Lansing, Mich., $5,000 to purchase curriculum developed by Delta Dental of Washington’s Foundation for its Cavity Free Kids program.
• Sweet Dreamzz, Detroit, $5,000 to provide toothbrushes and toothpaste for “sleep kits” distributed to children in need throughout the city.
• Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, $5,000 to support the Dental Sealant and Referral Program for children in Detroit.
• Macomb District Dental Hygienists Association, Sterling Heights, Mich., $1,500 to help provide dental treatment and education to uninsured children in Macomb County.
• Cherry Street Health Services, Grand Rapids, Mich., $3,264 to provide custom-fitted mouth guards for student athletes in three Grand Rapids high schools.
• Ohio University, Athens County, Ohio, $4,559 to assist with oral health education and a fluoridation program for more than 1,500 underserved children in the county.
• Ross County Community Action Head Start, Chillicothe, Ohio, $5,000 to improve the oral health of 300 low-income children ages 3 to 5.
• Medina County Oral Health Coalition, Medina, Ohio, $4,974 to support a dental clinic inside the Medina County Health Department that will provide free or affordable oral health services and supplies to underserved children in the county.
• Cincinnati Center for Children’s Dentistry, $5,000 to fund the center’s charitable program, Dental Care: Providing Access to Underserved Children. The center is an entity of the Cincinnati Dental Society, whose members provide free service for the program.
• Ashland County Oral Health Services, Ashland, Ohio, $5,000 to support the county’s School Sealant Program, which provides oral health education and sealants to second-graders in local schools and serves low-income children who wouldn’t otherwise have regular access to oral health care.
• Columbus Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, $4,861 for the hospital’s Oral Health for Immigrants’ Offspring – Linking Immigrants to Needed Care program to improve oral health of Somali children through education, community outreach and provision of needed dental services.
• Neighborhood Health Clinics, Fort Wayne, Ind., $5,000 for the clinic’s Dental Sealant Program, which provides dental screenings, dental education and sealants to underserved second-, third-, sixth- and seventh-graders.
• Hilltop Community Health Center, Valparaiso, Ind., $5,000 for the center’s Seal Deal Program, which aims to improve oral hygiene and prevention among the Spanish-speaking population in the area. The program provides education materials, as well as fluoride treatments and sealants.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Los Altos, Calif.
(650) 948-7658
• BTW Consultants, Berkeley, Calif., $120,385 for the overall design of the after-school subprogram evaluation.
• Fowler Hoffman LLC, San Rafael, Calif., $220,000 to support the planning and implementation of the Leadership Development Corps, to benefit after-school programs funded by the After School Education and Safety Program in California.
• Fowler Hoffman LLC, San Rafael, Calif., $120,000 to inform and advance the concept of after-school employment as a work force development strategy being developed by foundation grantees.
• University of California, Davis, $250,000 for a coordinated technical assistance system for after-school programs in California.
• Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Little Rock, $225,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Arkansas have health care coverage by 2010.
• Child and Family Policy Center, Des Moines, Iowa, $225,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children in Iowa have health care coverage by 2010.
• Children’s Alliance, Seattle, $250,000 for policy and communications work to ensure that all children in Washington state have comprehensive, affordable health care coverage by 2010.
• Children’s Defense Fund, Washington, $225,000 for policy and strategic communications work to ensure that all children living in Texas have health care coverage.
• Colorado Children’s Campaign, Denver, $125,000 for policy and communications work to ensure that all children living in Colorado have health care coverage and access to appropriate health care by 2010.
• Rhode Island Kids Count, Providence, $150,000 for policy and strategic communications work in Rhode Island to ensure that all children have health care coverage.
• United Way of Santa Cruz County, Capitola, Calif., $228,800 to engage business leaders to build awareness and support for the expansion of health insurance for all children.
• Voices for Ohio’s Children, Cleveland, $225,000 for policy and strategic communications to ensure that all children in Ohio have health care coverage and access to appropriate health care.
• Public/Private Ventures, Philadelphia, $124,704 for the development of standards and criteria to assess community readiness in summer enrichment programs in California.
• Pueblo Child Advocacy Center, Pueblo, Colo., $10,000 for general support.
• Pueblo Children’s Chorale, Pueblo, Colo., $3,000 for workshops, performances and scholarships.
• Pueblo Youth Project, Pueblo, Colo., $5,000 for after-school programs.
• Sangre De Cristo Arts and Conference Center, Pueblo, Colo., $10,000 for Young at Art and memberships for low-income individuals and families.
• BoardSource, Washington, $40,000 for strategic planning.
• Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County, Seaside, Calif., $42,600 for capital campaign feasibility study.
• California Youth Connections, San Francisco, $45,775 for board development and fundraising.
• Foundation for the Mid South, Jackson, Miss., $40,000 for a strategic communications plan.
• Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families, Silver Spring, Md., $50,000 for marketing and membership survey.
• San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum, San Jose, Calif., $40,000 for a capital campaign feasibility study.
• San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum, San Jose, Calif., $63,000 for an executive search.
• YMCA of San Francisco, $20,471 for fundraising training.
• BoardSource, Washington, $100,000 for general support for 2008 and 2009.
• World Young Women’s Christian Association, Grand Saconnex, Geneva Switzerland, $50,000 for emergency relief in Kenya.
The Kresge Foundation
Troy, Mich.
(248) 643-9630
Note: All Kresge funding goes to capital campaign or green building projects, or “special grants” that provide “financial support intended to meet a broader range of capitalization needs.”
• Children’s Museum of Phoenix, $900,000.
• Independent Sector, Washington, $250,000.
• Local Initiatives Support Coalition, Detroit, $1.5 million.
• Michigan Nonprofit Association, Lansing, $300,000.
• The Children’s Museum of Portsmouth, N.H., $300,000.
• Nonprofit Finance Fund, New York, $2 million.
• Mercy Corps, Portland, Oregon, $50,000.
• Youth Villages, Memphis, Tenn., $1 million.
• ADVANCE, San Antonio, $2.6 million.
• The Children’s Center, Salt Lake City, $1 million.
• Council on Foundations, Arlington, Va., $60,000.
• YMCA of Fond du Lac, Wis., $1.2 million.
• The Brookings Institution, Washington, $150,000.
• Brooklawn Child & Family Services, Louisville, Ky., $330,000.
• Girls Inc. of Lynn, Mass., $850,000.
• YMCA Cape Cod, Mass., $750,000.
• Detroit Youth Foundation, $1.5 million.
• Early Childhood Investment Corp., Lansing, Mich., $2.7 million.
• Neighborhood Centers, Detroit, $150,000.
• The Greening of Detroit, $600,000.
• Epworth Children and Family Services, St. Louis, $500,000.
• HomeWORD, Missoula, Mont., $75,000.
• Family Services, Winston-Salem, N.C., $100,000.
• Children’s Village, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., $600,000.
• Local Initiatives Support Corp., New York, $3 million.
• Carriage House Children’s Center, Pittsburgh, $100,000.
• Nashville Academy Theatre and Nashville’s Children’s Theatre, Tenn., $500,000.
• Madison Children’s Museum, Wis., $95,000.