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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for April 2008

The Joyce Foundation
Chicago, Ill.
(312) 782-2464

• The Aspen Institute, Washington, $300,000 to continue the efforts of the Commission on No Child Left Behind to inform the reauthorization debate and subsequent implementation of a new version of the law.

• National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, Washington, $300,000 to develop a model charter school law and build public and policy-maker support for charters in Illinois.

• The New Teacher Project, New York, $344,178 to help Chicago Public Schools effectively staff a set of the city’s lowest-performing schools; to coordinate the Chicago, New York and Washington school districts in exploring reforms of select human-capital policies that may hamper effective teacher hiring in Illinois.

• Public Policy Forum: Researching Community Issues, Milwaukee, $49,311 to study the economic impact of the early care and education industry in southeast Wisconsin.

• TransCenter for Youth, Milwaukee, $100,000 to support community engagement activities for the high school reform effort in Milwaukee.

• Teach for America, New York, $150,000 to design and launch a Policy and Advocacy Initiative to increase alumni involvement in high-impact policy and advocacy work and catalyze broader education reform efforts.

• Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, $302,500 for a project of the Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media to strengthen media coverage of teacher quality issues.

• The Council of State Governments, Lexington, Ky., $75,000 to create a blueprint for redirecting corrections funds to state work force development programs located in communities experiencing large numbers of returning prisoners.

• Freedom States Alliance, Chicago, $150,000 to continue to strengthen and develop its fund-raising infrastructure to support state-based gun violence prevention groups; to expand the network of individual grassroots supporters for the state groups; and to continue its communications and media outreach efforts.

• Legal Community Against Violence, San Francisco, $300,000 to implement a statewide policy reform campaign.

• Violence Policy Center, Washington, $700,000 to continue its gun violence prevention research, education, advocacy and technical assistance work.

Jessie Ball DuPont Fund 
Jacksonville, Fla.
(904) 353-0890

• Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina, Raleigh, $150,000 for the Justice in Contract Agricultural Project.

• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware, Wilmington, $151,192 to provide mentoring to children ages 5-15 whose mothers are incarcerated.

• Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, $150,000 to continue a partnership with the Bowling Green Housing Authority providing after-school programming for resident K-8 students.

• Little Sisters of the Poor, Newark, Del., $75,995 to support expenses associated with a capital campaign.

• Calvary United Methodist Church, Farnham, Va., $75,552 to support a senior adult day care program in partnership with the Richmond County YMCA.

• Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranches, Live Oak, Fla., $35,138 to support an organizational assessment, strategic plan development and succession planning.

State Farm Youth Advisory Board
Bloomington, Ill.
(309) 766-2311

• Child and Youth Friendly Calgary, Ontario, $71,875 to provide an opportunity for youth to learn about immigration and homelessness issues.

• Joe Walker Middle School, Quartz Hill, Calif., $81,926 to target English language learners and low-performing students with literacy programs to improve academic achievement.

• Boys & Girls Club of Monterey, Calif., $67,752 for the College Bound program.

• Dominican University of California, San Rafael, $95,495 to provide tutoring services in high schools to help close the achievement gap and mentor at-risk youth using a community oral history project.

• California Academy of Mathematics and Science, Carson, $94,500 to narrow the achievement gap in math, science and technology for students in 12 academically and economically disadvantaged middle schools in the Los Angeles area.

• Brotherhood Crusade, Los Angeles, $100,000 to reduce and eliminate societal disasters created by the impact of gangs and gang violence on academic achievement and quality of life for children and youth in South Los Angeles.

• Environmental Charter High School, Lawndale, Calif., $100,000 for the Green Ambassadors youth program.

• California Friday Night Live Partnership, Visalia, $96,050 to focus on raising awareness of dangerous driving practices, educate teens (the largest group in vehicle fatalities), and provide the opportunity for community outreach that promotes safe driving.

• MADD Louisiana, Baton Rouge, $85,848 for trained high school students to deliver lessons in vehicle safety, brain development and effects of alcohol on youth.

• Spotlight Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., $50,000 for Spotlight T.E.E.N.

• Ada High School, Ada, Okla., $71,900 for a state-wide program to address reckless driving, seatbelt use, and speeding.

• Hands on Miami, $100,000 for youth to develop and implement a community disaster preparedness program.

• Miami-Dade College, Miami, $68,344 for the Future Educators of America.

• Volunteer Services of Manatee County, Bradenton, Fla., $82,500 to expand the reach of ManaTeens.

• Volunteer USA Foundation, Tallahassee, Fla., $97,800 for the Teen Trendsetter literacy program.

• Hallmark Elementary School, Pensacola, Fla., $81,500 to construct a greenhouse where students will grow native plants.

• Volusia County Schools/Deland High School, DeLand, Fla., $100,000 to raise awareness of how individuals can prepare for natural disasters and assist Habitat for Humanity.

• Washington County School District, Chipley, Fla., $56,536 for the production of biofuels.

• Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, $70,000 to bring together youth from diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds to identify and address disaster preparedness issues.

• Mooresville Consolidated School District, Mooresville, Ind., $75,830 for a multi-grade-level approach to youth-led initiatives designed to learn about disaster preparedness and recovery.

• Reggie McKenzie Foundation, Highland Park, Mich., $57,753 to help elementary students navigate the safest paths to and from school.

• Lincoln Park School, Lincoln Park, Mich., $74,820 to help students and adults understand the implications of financial decisions they make.

• Totally Positive Productions, Chicago, $62,375 to support the performing arts in providing Chicago-area youth and young adults with a positive outlet.

• City Year Detroit, Mich., $25,000 to inspire youth to succeed though academic achievement, including graduating from high school and participating in higher education.

• Valley of the Sun YMCA, Phoenix, $96,069 to reach students and parents with auto safety messages.

• YouthWorks, Santa Fe, N.M., $49,928 for students to focus on fire safety and water conservation.

• MicroBusiness Development Corps/YouthWorks, Denver, $29,953 for youth to explore entrepreneurship through education, skill development and hands-on experience.

• Arizona Board of Regents-University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Phoenix, $63,662 to promote financial education among teens.

• Lincoln Council on Alcoholism and Drugs, Neb., $45,325 to promote safe driving by teens through the reduction of alcohol use.

• Minnesota Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Roseville, $99,992, to train students and teachers to implement a program to learn about the effects of alcohol on brain development and then inform communities about those effects.

• National Youth Leadership Council, St. Paul, Minn., $77,804 to create an intensive, multicultural, experimental, weeklong Leadership Training.

• HMONG American Partnership, St. Paul, Minn., $48,087 to train and mobilize Hmong American youth around education policy.

• Lincoln Public Schools Science Focus Program, Lincoln, Neb., $30,127 for a two-day science education event at the Lincoln Children’s Zoo.

• Jefferson County Public Schools—Volunteer Talent Center, Louisville, Ky., $55,451 to prepare students for careers in building and design.

• Memphis City Schools, Tenn., $95,000 to help students from five high schools launch a community-wide campaign to focus attention on driver safety and pedestrian safety.

• Bell County Board of Education, Pineville, Ky., $61,700 to close the achievement gap through high-quality arts instruction and activities including dance, drama/theater, music and visual arts.

• Howard University, Washington, $100,000 for university students to address high school drop-out rates.

• Family Services of Roanoke Valley, Va., $25,000 for after-school programs.

• Boys & Girls Club of Annapolis, Md., $50,000 for youth to visit financial institutions, manage a retail shop, and share their learning experiences with adults.

• Partnership of African-American Churches, Institute, W.V., $30,400 to instill a message of confidence and pride in economically disadvantaged minority students.

• Delaware Independent Living Youth Advisory Council, Wilmington, $45,191 to empower former foster care individuals to teach foster care youth the basic financial skills necessary to make a successful transition to adulthood.

• School of Ethical Education, Milford, Conn., $78,170 for youth to develop web-based resources and youth-led seminars.

• Sidney High School, Sidney, N.Y., $74,550 for youth to predict river activity and floods, and help prepare for disasters.

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