The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Menlo Park, Calif.
(650) 234-4500
• Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Washington, $270,000 for engaging law enforcement leaders as advocates for education reform.
• WestEd, San Francisco, $200,000 for closing the Achievement Gap Initiative.
• Justice Matters Institute, San Francisco, $20,000 for an executive search.
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Washington, $500,000 for general support.
• Massachusetts 2020, Boston, $150,000 to establish a national clearinghouse of information on expanded-time schools.
• New Media for Nonprofits, Chicago, $200,000 for expansion of IssueLab, an online archive of nonprofit research.
• Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., $130,000 to study financial incentives to attract teachers to low-performing schools.
• National Center for Family Philanthropy, Washington, $50,000 to develop a branding strategy.
• Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security, Oakland, Calif., $30,000 for fund development.
• Philanthropic Research, Williamsburg, Va., $200,000 for general support of Guidestar.
The Nord Family Foundation
Amherst, Ohio
(800) 745-8946
• Passport Project, Cleveland, $15,000 for general operating support.
• Urban Peak, Denver, $10,000 for The Sport, a drop-in center for homeless and runaway youth.
• Aiken County HELP LINE, Aiken, S.C., $13,100 for the Community Voice Mail Project.
• Denver Youth Program, $7,500 for continued support of GRASP (Gang Rescue and Support Project), a violence prevention program for at-risk youth.
• Junior Achievement of Lorain County, Elyria, Ohio, $11,636 to support financial literacy and career development programs for middle school students.
• Palmetto Project, Columbia, S.C., $15,000 for “Challenge Day Columbia 2008,” a national leadership development program for high school students.
• E City, Cleveland, $8,000 for continued support of the Student and Distance Learning Programs.
• Child Care Resource Center, Lorain, Ohio, $30,000 for the Child Development Associate Academy.
• The Conflict Center, Denver, $25,000 to support violence prevention services for low-income individuals, families and communities.
• The Cooperative Ministry, Columbia, S.C., $30,000 for general operating support.
• Domestic Violence Center, Cleveland, $15,000 for the Supervised Visitation Center.
• Easter Seal Society of Northwestern Ohio, Lorain, $45,000 to hire a vice president of programs, as part of regional strategic restructuring.
• Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Boston, $25,000 for the Food Stamp Advocacy Project.
• Neighborhood House Association of Lorain County, Lorain, Ohio, $25,000 to help start a child care center.
• Save Our Youth, Denver, $25,000 for a mentoring program.
• Step 13, Denver, $25,000 for general operating support.
• Youth Challenge, Westlake, Ohio, $10,000 to support programs for children with disabilities in Lorain County.
Lumina Foundation for Education
Indianapolis, Ind.
(317) 951-5300
• Campaign for College Opportunity, Oakland, Calif., $400,000 for general operations.
• Orangewood Children’s Foundation, Santa Ana, Calif., $10,000 to help postsecondary institutions that provide programs and services to former foster youth by coordinating a national Convening of Postsecondary Support programs.
• WestEd, San Francisco, $478,600 to support the Achieving the Dream initiative.
• Achieve, Washington, $597,300 to develop and disseminate a Web-based toolkit to support higher education leaders.
• American Council on Education, Washington, $1.4 million to implement a “national ground campaign” as a complement to the KnowHow2GO media campaign.
• Helping Teens Succeed, Atlanta, $243,000 in operating support until the organization can develop sustainable funding sources.
• The Center for Effective Philanthropy, Cambridge, Mass., $60,000 to examine how foundations can provide effective support, beyond funding, for grantees.
• National College Access Network, Cleveland, $89,300 to develop and host a KnowHow2GO meeting after the network’s national conference.
• Ohio College Access Network, Cleveland, $150,000 to expand the work of the KnowHow2GO ground campaign with additional resources for direct service organizations.
• Central Indiana Community Foundation, Indianapolis, $785,400 to fund academic and college preparatory programs through the Summer Youth Program Fund.
• Learn More Indiana, Indianapolis, $300,000 to support the KnowHow2GO ground campaign in Indiana.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, Indianapolis, $90,800 to create a user-friendly database of youth development, academic enrichment and college-access programs.
• Metropolitan School District of Perry Township, Indianapolis, $15,700 to develop a transferable curriculum model for middle and high schools that supports the steps promoted by the KnowHow2GO campaign.
• The Collaborative for Teaching and Learning, Louisville, Ky., $124,000 to expand the Kentucky Community College Content Literacy Project.
• Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, Frankfort, $499,100 to implement the media and ground components of the KnowHow2GO campaign in Kentucky.
• Baton Rouge Community College, La., $225,000 to implement strategies that improve student persistence and graduation rates.
• Bossier Parish Community College Foundation, Bossier City, La., $225,000 to implement strategies that improve student persistence and graduation rates.
Lilly Endowment
Indianapolis, Ind.
(317) 924-5471
• Community Partnerships with Youth, Indianapolis, $1.2 million to support fellowships, professional development and networking for Indiana youth workers.
• Girls Inc., New York, $800,000 for staff development and enhancement of national technology and communication systems.
• Minnesota Public Radio, St. Paul, $1.6 million to expand the “Speaking of Faith” education resources project.
• Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, $4 million for support of the Egyptian exhibits “Global Perspectives” and “Tutankhamen and the Pharaohs.”
• Indiana Association of United Ways, $9.5 million for 4Community Phase 2 and general support.
• Lutheran Child & Family Services of Indiana, $7,500 for the Sharing Place Holiday Store.
• Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy, San Francisco, $175,000 for general operating support.
• Save the Youth, Indianapolis, $7,500 for a community Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas celebration.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Atlanta, $2.5 million to build the resource development capacity of Boys & Girls Clubs in Indiana.
• Children’s Bureau, Indianapolis, $295,000 to enhance evaluation and quality improvement processes and outreach services for Latino families.
• Indiana Student Financial Aid Association, Lafayette, Ind., $50,000 for College Goal Sunday 2008.
• Center for Youth Ministry Training, Brentwood, Tenn., $404,420 for the Laboratory for Youth Ministry project.
• Instituto Fe Y Vida, Stockton, Calif., $688,773 for the Catholic Latino Youth and Parents Project.
• National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, Washington, $450,000 for the National Initiative on Adolescent Catechesis.
• United Way of America, Alexandria, Va., $6 million for the Center on Philanthropy partnership for research and training.
• YouthBuild U.S.A., West Somerville, Maine, $50,000 for YouthBuild Directors Fellows Program and fundraising support for Asset Trust for Graduates.
• Community League, Newark, N.J., $800,000 for continuing support for philanthropy education for youth.
Pew Charitable Trusts
Philadelphia, Pa.
(215) 575-9050
• Georgetown University, Washington, $450,000 for the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth to reduce underage exposure to alcohol advertising.
• Education Law Center, Newark, N.J., $580,000 to collect and disseminate information on including preschool in litigation pertaining to the state’s education adequacy.
• Education Writers Association, Washington, $260,000 to help print and broadcast journalists cover pre-kindergarten as an important issue.
• Generations United, Washington, $225,000 for the Seniors4Kids initiative to engage senior citizens as champions for high-quality pre-kindergarten for all 3- and 4-olds.
• The Pew Charitable Trusts for the Partnership for America’s Economic Success, Philadelphia, up to $395,000 to disseminate research on the economic benefits of effective investments in children, from prenatal to age 5.
• The Pew Charitable Trusts for the Public Safety Performance Project, Philadelphia, up to $3 million to educate state governors, legislators, budget officials and court leaders about evidence-based approaches to reduce recidivism.
• Editorial Projects in Education, Bethesda, Md., $2.2 million for Quality Counts, to develop and disseminate high-quality reports about the status of education in every state.
• The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, Washington, $5.4 million to promote deeper understanding and more informed discussion among the public, policymakers and the media about issues at the intersection of religion and public affairs.
• The Pew Hispanic Center, Washington, $3.1 million to study the economic, social and political realities of America’s growing Hispanic population, and the impact of Hispanics on American civic, political and economic life.
• George Washington University, Washington, $750,000 for Young Voter Strategies, to increase young voter turnout by providing key constituencies with nonpartisan information and tools to mobilize young people.
• Indiana University Foundation, Bloomington, Ind., $500,000 to develop an online “Virtual Congress” game.
• The Research Foundation of the State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., $766,000 for the Roundtable on Religion and Social Welfare Policy, to inform policymakers, government officials and journalists about policy and legal developments regarding faith-based organizations in the social welfare system.