Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Flint, Mich.
(810) 238-5651
• Whaley’s Children Center, Flint, Mich., $73,566 for capacity building.
• Genesee Chamber Foundation, Flint, Mich., $765,802 for a summer youth program.
• United Way of Genesee County, Flint, Mich., $250,000 for general purposes.
• Jobs for the Future, Boston, $1.5 million for a study about increasing the success of low-income adults in community college.
• Women Make Movies, New York, $10,000 for a documentary, “Life in Grade 12.”
• Southern Education Foundation, Atlanta, $70,000 for the 2007 Education Summers Youth Leadership Initiative.
The Pew Charitable Trust
(215) 575-9050
• The Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia, $4 million for Kids are Waiting, a foster care initiative.
• George Junior Republic, Grove City, Pa., $300,000 to construct a family visitation center.
• Action Against Crime and Violence Education Fund, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, Washington, $330,000 to engage state and local business leaders in contributing to public debates on the need for high-quality early education and other essential supports for children.
• MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Arlington, Va., $125,000 to produce a one-hour documentary entitled Generation Next: Speak Up. Be Heard, highlighting the lives, beliefs and aspirations of young Americans.
• National Center on Philanthropy and the Law, New York, $200,000 to support a series of conferences to provide a neutral forum for rigorous discussion of emerging issues affecting the nonprofit sector.
• Big Picture Alliance, Philadelphia, $135,000 for filmmaking workshops for youth.
• Children’s Hospital Foundation, Philadelphia, $300,000 to provide behavioral health screening, counseling, and referrals for young children who receive primary-care services in Philadelphia.
• ESF Dream Camp Foundation, Bryn Mawr, Pa., $120,000 in operating support for year-round educational and recreational activities for children from low-income families in Philadelphia.
• Juvenile Law Center of Philadelphia, $180,000 to improve access to behavioral health services for youth in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
• Neighborhood Interfaith Movement, Philadelphia, $180,000 to train child-care providers in Northeast Philadelphia.
• Philadelphia Society for Services to Children, $180,000 for a program to provide services for elementary-school students.
Lilly Endowment
(317) 924-5471
All grantees are in Indianapolis unless otherwise noted.
• Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Del., $125,000 for operating support.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, $190,000 for operating support.
• Indiana Youth Services Association, $50,000 for organizational assessment.
• Planned Parenthood of Indiana, $50,000 for teen peer education.
• Youth Job Preparedness Program, $6,000 for a summer program.
• Y-Press, $50,000 for operating support and fund-raising development.
• Young Audiences of Indiana, $200,000 for general operating support and $75,000 for partial support for implementation of strategic plan.
William T. Grant Foundation
New York
(212) 752-0071
• Family ReEntry, Norwalk, Conn., $25,000 for post-release services.
• Mental Health Association of New York, $25,000 for an internship program leading to permanent employment for a group of participants in its Adolescent Skill Center programs.
• Port Chester Carver Center, Port Chester, N.Y., for a pilot implementation of the Second Step Violence Prevention Curriculum.
• Youth Communication, New York, to create a formal training program for its staff editors.
Charles H. Dater Foundation
(513) 241-2658
• Arthritis Foundation, Cincinnati, $10,000 for education programs about juvenile arthritis.
• Big Brothers Big Sisters of Butler County, Hamilton, Ohio, $10,000 to provide mentors for students at Lakota schools.
• Children’s Home of Cincinnati, $15,000 to support a summer day camp for needy children whose parents work full time.
• Cincinnati Nature Center, $15,000 to support youth programs, including field trips for elementary school students and two day camps.
• Cincinnati Opera, $30,000 for education outreach, including performances at elementary and high schools.
• Crayons to Computers, Cincinnati, $15,000 for its project to collect extra computers from businesses and distribute them to schools.
• First Tee of Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, $15,000 to support a summer golf instruction program for inner-city youth.
• Fernside: A Center for Grieving Children, Cincinnati, for peer support groups that help children to discuss with other youths their grief over the death of a loved one.
• Greater Cincinnati Foundation, $90,000 to support programs including Summertime Kids, which provides summer activities for youth.
• InkTank, Cincinnati, $10,000 for a program designed to improve writing skills and build self-confidence among second-, third- and fourth-graders.
• ProKids, Cincinnati, $15,000 to provide training for volunteers who serve as advocates on behalf of abused and neglected children.
• Wellness Community, Cincinnati, $11,000 to foster education and discussion among children and families about cancer.
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
(312) 726-8000
• Local Initiatives Support Corp., Chicago, $26 million for the New Communities Program, which will support community and economic development efforts in 15 low-income neighborhoods.
• Local Initiatives Support Corp., New York, $4 million to replicate the New Communities Program.
• Center for Children and Youth Justice, Seattle, $10 million for efforts to improve the juvenile justice system in Washington state.
• Center for Children and Youth Justice, Seattle, $700,000 for its role as a lead entity in the Models for Change initiative in Washington state.
• 16th Judicial District Attorney’s Offices, Family Services Division, New Iberia, La., $200,000 to support development of a model demonstration program for delivery of community evidence-based services to status offenders.
• 9th Judicial District Court Judges’ Office, Alexandria, La., $300,000 to support activities in Rapides Parish, La., as a local demonstration site of the Models for Change initiative.
• Caddo Parish Juvenile Services, Shreveport, La., $120,000 to support development of a model to identify and refer youth in contact with the juvenile justice system who have mental health and substance abuse problems.
• Calcasieu Parish Police Jury, Office of Juvenile Justice Services, Lake Charles, La., $50,000 to support activities of the Children and Youth Planning Board.
• Policy Research, Delmar, N.Y., $1.5 million to administer and manage the Mental Health Action Network.
• Temple University, Department of Psychology, Philadelphia, $600,000 for a project to manage research activities in the Models for Change initiative.
• Center for Children’s Law and Policy, Washington, $1.8 million to administer and manage the Disproportionate Minority Contact Action network.
• Jefferson Parish Community Justice Agency, Jefferson, La., $350,000 to support activities in Jefferson Parish as a local demonstration site in the Models for Change initiative in Louisiana.
Otto Bremer Foundation
St. Paul, Minn.
(651) 227-8036
• Child Abuse Evaluation Center, Minneapolis, $12,200 to evaluate a training curriculum.
• Moorhead Healthy Community Initiative, Moorhead, Minn., $25,000 to expand its health programs for youths.
• Hmong Educational Center, St. Paul, Minn., to support its services for Hmong adults, children, and families.
• Scholars of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn., $10,000 for an outreach program to promote postsecondary education among at-risk youth.
• Minnesota Fathers and Families Network, Minneapolis, $13,405 for a strategic plan.
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
New York
(212) 586-5404
• Brooklyn Children’s Museum, New York, $125,000 to expand education programs for children.
• Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, $150,000 for its Juvenile Justice Mentoring, New American Partnership and Young Mothers Mentoring programs.
• Broadway Housing Communities, New York, $35,000 for education and cultural-arts programs for formerly homeless children who now live at the Dorothy Day Apartments.
• American Symphony Orchestra, New York, $100,000 for its Orchestra Leadership Academy.
• North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, $50,000 to support educational outreach programs for rural schools.