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Funding: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Grants Awarded for May 2004

The Nord Family Foundation
747 Milan Ave.
Amherst, Ohio 44401
(440) 984-3939

• Cleveland Museum of Natural History, $5,000 to help fund the Science to Go program for the Cleveland school system.
• Ensemble Theater, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, $5,000 for outreach programs geared towards students and senior citizens.
• Lyric Opera, Cleveland, $5,000 in continued support of school outreach and summer programs.
• Colorado Homeless Families, Westminster, Colo., $10,000 in continued support of transitional housing and supportive services for homeless families with children.
• Denver Urban Ministries, $10,000 in continued support of employment, emergency housing, and meals programs for needy families.
• The Nord Center, Lorain, Ohio, $22,000 in support of emergency housing services for families faced with homelessness.
• Clemson University, Clemson, S.C., $40,000 for a technology and environmental program for 4th, 5th and 6th graders, parents and teachers from Richland and Lexington schools.
• Communities in Schools, Columbia, S.C., $49,960 for general operating support.
• The Center for Families and Children, Cleveland, $10,000 for an advocacy seminar featuring nonprofit organizations and charities working on behalf of at-risk families and children.
• The Children’s Developmental Center, Amherst, Ohio, $18,000 for “Let’s Keep Talking,” a program for families with children who have communications delays.
• Common Ground, Oberlin, Ohio, $10,000 for “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren,” a support program for cases of kinship care.
• Communities Health Partners Foundation, Lorain, Ohio, $20,000 for the Phoenix Center for Grieving Children.
• Lorain United Methodist Ministries, Lorain, Ohio, $5,000 for Camp IDEAS, a summer camp for disabled children.

Public Welfare Foundation

2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Ste. 505
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 965-1800

• Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, $150,000 for reproductive and sexual health programs.
• Austin Harm Reduction Coalition, Austin, Texas, $25,000 for reproductive and sexual health programs.
• Center on Hunger, Poverty and Nutrition, Waltham, Mass., $125,000 for development of its health program.
• Direct Action for Rights and Equality, Providence, $35,000 for general support of a community development program.
• Earth Conservation Corps, Washington, $50,000 for a media arts project for youth.
• Food Research Action Center, Washington, $200,000 for general support of its health program.
• From Roots to Wings, Dorchester, Mass., $25,000 for general support of its youth program.
• Healthy Families, San Angelo, Texas, $40,000 for its “Dads Make a Difference” program.
• Rhode Island Parents for Progress, $25,000 in general support of its community development program.

Jerome Foundation
125 Park Square Court
400 Sibley St.
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651) 224-9431

• White Columns, New York City, $40,000 for emerging artists’ fees.
• Clubbed Thumb, New York City, $9,000 for development and production of works by emerging playwrights.
• Cherry Lane Theatre, New York City, $52,000 for a mentor project.
• New York Theatre Workshop, $36,000 for an emerging playwrights program.
• Pillsbury United Communities, Minneapolis, $38,500 for the reading of new plays by playwrights from New York City and Minnesota and for the 2004 “Non-English Speaking Spoken Here: The Late Nite Series.”
• Dixon Place, New York City, $27,000 to support “Mondo Cane!” and the presentation of works in progress by emerging artists.

The George Gund Foundation

1845 Guildhall Bldg.
45 Prospect Ave. W.
Cleveland, OH 44115
(216) 241-3114

• Temple University, Philadelphia, $128,000 over two years for a conflict resolution education project.
• GLSEN, Inc., New York City, $100,000 over two years for anti-bullying and harassment programs.
• America SCORES, New York City, $75,000 for the Cleveland SCORES program.
• Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Cleveland, $50,000 for operating support.
• Adoption Network, Cleveland, $143,820 for the Adopt Ohio’s Kids initiative.
• Bellflower Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Cleveland, $7,500 for child abuse training programs.
• Berea Children’s Home, Berea, Ohio, $30,000 to fill a public policy position.
• Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, $150,000 over two years for Schubert Center for Child Development.
• Center for Law and Social Policy, Washington, $200,000 over two years for public policy and advocacy.
• Child Care Resource Center of Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, $250,000 over two years for T.E.A.C.H. and work force development initiative.
• Center for Community Change, Washington, $80,000 over two years for the Coalition on Human Needs.
• Young Men’s Christian Association of Cleveland, $50,000 for Y-Haven.
• Center for Adolescent Health & the Law, Chapel Hill, N.C., $10,000 for operating support.
• Charity Lobbying in the Public Interest, Washington, $30,000 for operating support.
• The Children’s Museum of Cleveland, $27,375 for emergency roof repair and exhibit refurbishment.
• Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, Washington, $25,000 for Firearms Litigation Clearinghouse.
• The Racial Fairness Project Inc., Cleveland, $30,000 for program support.

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
1200 Mott Foundation Building
503 S. Saginaw St.
Flint, MI 48502
(810) 238-5651

• Flint Cultural Center Corp., Flint, Mich., $2.4 million for operating support.
• United Way of Genesee County, Flint, Mich., $1.3 million for the Bridges to the Future Before and Afterschool Program.
• Neighborhood Funders Group, Washington, $75,000 for general support.
• National Council of Nonprofit Associations, Washington, $200,000 for general support.
• Jobs for the Future, Boston, $300,000 to develop plans to overcome challenges facing community colleges.
• East Harlem Employment Service, New York, for a partnership in Flint, Mich., to provide employment training.
• Rubicon Programs Inc., Richmond, Calif., $50,000 for the Fathers at Work Initiative.
• Center for Community Change, Washington, $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.
• Community Training and Assistance Center, Boston, $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.
*National Council of La Raza, Washington, $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.
• National Training and Information Center, Chicago, $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.
• Seventh Generation Fund for Indian Development, Arcata, Ga., $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.
• Southern Echo, Jackson, Miss., $250,000 to assist emerging community-based organizations serving low-income neighborhoods.

U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20202
(800) 872-5327

The following grants were made under the Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities program:
• Massachusetts Development Finance Agency, Boston, $4 million.
• Center for Community Self-Help, Durham, N.C., $1.3 million.
• Charter School Development Corp., Washington, $8.6 million.
• Department of Banking and Financial Institutions, Washington, $5 million.
• NCB Development Corp., Washington, $5.6 million.
• Local Initiative Support Corp., New York, $4 million.
• Raza Development Fund, Phoenix, Ariz., $8.8 million.

Lilly Endowment
2801 N. Meridian St.
P.O. Box 88068
Indianapolis, IN 46208
(317) 924-5471

• Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Wilmington, Del., $125,000 for general support.
• 100 Black Men of Indianapolis, $13,000 for a summer academy.
• Bicycle Action Project, Indianapolis, $13,000 for the Earn-a-Bike program.
• Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis, $45,450 for 10 summer programs.
• Center for Youth as Resources, Washington, $375,000 for general support.
• Children’s Bureau of Indianapolis, $15,000 for the Pro 100 program.
• First-Meridian Heights Presbyterian Church, $27,000 for the J.O.Y. Program and the Northside Partners for Youth.
• Girls Inc. of Indianapolis, $14,400 for summer programs.
• Good News Mission, Indianapolis, $8,000 for a summer youth program.
• Great Commission Church of God, Indianapolis, $9,750 for the African-American Male Summer Empowerment Camp.
• James Riley Memorial Association, Indianapolis, $8,000 for a camp for youth with disabilities.
• Madame Walker Urban Life Center, Indianapolis, $15,000 for the Youth In Arts summer session.
• Marion County Commission on Youth, Indianapolis, $160,000 for relocation costs.
• Young Audiences of Indiana, Indianapolis, $17,000 for Summer Arts for Youth 2004.
• YMCA of Indianapolis, $29,500 for summer youth programs at nine sites. • University of Northern Iowa Foundation, Cedar Falls, Iowa, $687,189 for the study of ministries to college and university students.

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