By Amy Bracken
This publication outlines the positions and policy recommendations agreed upon by the D.C.-based National Collaboration’s 39 member organizations. The report provides background along with NCY position and policy recommendations for seven youth-related areas: positive youth development; juvenile justice and delinquency prevention; runaway and homeless youth; after-school and summer programs; adolescent pregnancy prevention; youth employment; and youth community service and service learning. Key to the agenda is passage of the Younger Americans Act, which would include many of the report’s policy recommendations.
The recommendations include: allocating research funds to study youth development programs and their outcomes, and distributing the results; provision of equitable research, treatment and resources for female juvenile offenders; increasing funding for and improving the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act; more federal efforts to boost the expansion of proven effective programs and the development of new ones; and support for scientific research into adolescent sexual behavior.
The collaboration is an affinity group of the National Assembly of Health and Human Service Organizations. 20 pages. $5.95. National Collaboration for Youth, 1319 F St., NW, Ste. 601, Washington, DC 20004. (202) 347-2080.