► Reports

Millennium Hangover: Keeping Score on Alcohol Drug Strategies

This report on the impact of alcohol abuse examines drinking from several perspectives, including public health, criminal justice, the workplace, treatment and prevention, and the impact on children and youth. The publication, funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, includes discussion of alcohol use among teenagers and adults; pricing, availability, and advertising; alcohol-related crime; alcohol’s effects on health; and federal funding to reduce alcohol abuse. It also includes a poll of parental perceptions of alcohol use conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates.

The study finds that risk of alcohol dependence drops each year that drinking is postponed, that teenagers are not well-informed about the effects of alcohol, that young people find alcohol easily accessible, and that parents grossly underestimate teenage drinking. 37 pages. Free. Contact: Drug Strategies (202) 289-9070. E-mail: dspolicy@aol.com. www.drugstrategies.org.



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