Top Headlines: Archives 2014 & Earlier

Top Headlines 2/27

Juvenile Justice

According to a new study from the Annie E. Casey Foundation Tennessee saw a 66 percent drop in incarcerated youth from 1997 to 2010, the largest in the nation.

Nationwide, the number of kids behind bars reaches 35-year low.

Report credits political courage, advocacy for improving Connecticut’s juvenile justice system.

Child Welfare

LOUISIANA – The DeSoto Parish child welfare office will close next month, sending its 13 employees to the state office building in Shreveport.

Teenage girls 15 to 19 years old in rural counties have babies at rates that are nearly one third higher than girls in the cities and suburbs.

Young people addicted to alcohol and drugs can increase their chances of recovery by helping others.

In September, Dr. Byron Johnson and a team of researchers from Tufts will begin researching the effects of the Boy Scouts on participants’ health, character, and performance.


Parenting in a social media age: ‘This is part of raising children now.’


Jeb and George P. Bush talk Texas education reform.

GEORGIA – DeKalb school crisis sparks reform effort.

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