► Reports

Modern-Day Youth Gangs

After surveying officials in 1,121 jurisdictions of various sizes nationwide, the report indicates that multiethnic and female-inclusive gangs were on the rise in the mid-1990s. Also, data from jurisdictions with lower populations indicate that the onset of gang problems in large communities predicates an onset in areas with lower populations. While 50 percent of jurisdictions with populations of 250,000 or greater reported gang problems between 1986 and 1992, more than 55 percent of jurisdictions with fewer than 25,000 people reported the onset of gang problems between 1993 and 1994. 12 pages. Free online. National Criminal Justice Reference Service, P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849. (800) 851-3420, http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/pubs/gangsum.html#191524.

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